What is precision investment casting?

Precision investment casting, also known as lost wax casting, is a manufacturing process that is commonly used for producing high-precision, complex-shaped metal parts with a high degree of accuracy and surface finish. It is widely used in a variety of industries, including the marine and boating industry.

 In this process, a wax pattern of the part to be cast is created and then surrounded by a ceramic material. The ceramic shell is then heated to remove the wax, leaving a mold into which molten metal is poured. The metal solidifies and takes the shape of the mold, resulting in a high-precision, near-net-shape part.

The combination of precision investment casting and deck hardware is a good fit because many deck hardware parts, such as blocks and cleats, are subject to high loads and stress, and need to be precise in both size and shape in order to function correctly and securely. Additionally, investment casting allows for the creation of complex shapes and details that would be difficult or impossible to achieve through other manufacturing methods.